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East Blumfield N.Y.
[[crossed-out]] Ma [[/crossed-out]] Apr. 27th 1867

Lieut Co. W.M.Beebe,

I am sorry to send you another list of orders.

Miss Dora Halleck of Cayuga N.Y. orders a woman for her self. and a little girl — aged 12 or 14. for a neighbor.  She proposes to take a mother and daughter. √ 

W.J. Vandersen, Clifton Springs, orders a good girl aged 20 to 28 — √ 

W.C. Stoddard, Chapinville N.Y. ordrs a young man & woman — (married preferred) — does not object to one child.

— John Lewis — Hopewell — wishes a strong, willing girl aged 18 to 25 — √ 

C.C. Briggee — Hopewell — orders a good, strong, girl from 16 to 25 — Also a young man & wife (without children) — also a man aged 18 to 20. 

All men must be accustomed to horses, and all women must be [[crossed-out]] accustomed to horses [[/crossed-out]] willing — to learn to do house work — if they do not already know how.