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Bowling Green Carolina Co Va. June 19, 1867.

Brevet Col John O'Droger
Asst. Agent Freedman's Bureau
Carolina Co Va.

Dr Sir:

In answer to the enquiry concerning the child Hannah Miller daughter of Tamor Miller, (not Rosa Miller as is stated in the letter) I would state that during the month of June 1862 the said Tamor clandestinely left her home carrying away a number of articles of clothing stolen from my wife and one of my Cold. servants - she left two children one (Hannah) two years old the other (French) a few months old. The latter survived several months & then died it being sick when left by its mother, the former Hannah is still in my family, these children have cost me a great deal of trouble and expressed as they had no person to care or provide for them, I as a common act of humanity took charge of them & have done by them as I would by my own off spring and as they have been all expense & no profit I am justly entitled to compensation for my trouble, & were I to get the services of the surviving child (Hannah) until she is of lawful age & educate her (as I am willing to do) it would not be more than a fair compensation for my expense & trouble.

The charge made in the statement made by the mother of Hannah is all false, there has never been any demand made for the child, no friend or connection of hers has ever intimated a willingness to take her, on the contrary I have suggested to some of them that they ought to do so but have been invariably refused - This woman is so depraved as to be totally unfit to have charge of a child, she has been a common prostitute ever since ground & has since her residence in D.C. [[strikethrough]] know [[strikethrough]] confined in the penatintiary I understand for some criminal offence and is charged with having destroyed one or more children since her residence then - this I learn from several Cold. persons among them some in my employ who have visited Washington (over)