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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 
Headquarters Ass't Commissioner, District Columbia, 
Washington, July 22, 1867. 


The Ass't Comr directs that all freed people sent to Hartford by employment agents be instructed to report to J. S. Cambridge No 21 Green Street, that city, who is the recognized agent of the Freedmen's Aid Society, and of this Bureau. 

You will instruct all agents to the above effect. 

Your ob'd't servant
S. N. Clark
Bt Maj A. A. I. Gen'l. 

J. V. W. Vandenburg
Local Sup't D.C.

L. B. 3. 371.

Transcription Notes:
Edited: Hartford Conn. Cannot decipher the signature and title of the writer S.N. Clark