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in the art of sewing and fitting tigether the parts of a garment correctly; besides, the School affords an opportunity for lessons in economy, correct habits, manners, and morals, essential in the family, and necessary to good order in society.

A marked improvement is already noticeable in these particulars; in most of the women of the school many of whom have been field hands or as house servants, have received no culture in these important duties connected with domestic life.

The fact that a large percentage of the above named class of dependent Freedpeople are by reason of the war bought together here, and cannot be forced from the Dist. and that employment in the channels they are accustomed to labor, cannot be furnished them in this city in sufficient amount to give them comfortable food & clothing it is to be hoped that this beneficent measure may be encouraged and sustained and its plan of operations enlarged so as to admit the manufacture of shoes, Hats Bonnets &c — and other articles coming within the limits of the faculties & genius of this race — as the least objectionable method of releif and as possessing greater advantages than any other, at the same cost to the Government.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Svt.
J. S. Griffing
Agent Bureau Ref. &.