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S 256  (R., F. & A. L., VOL 9.) 1867.
Vol 2 No 1736 A. C. D.C 1867
2 Vol No 1064. 1867.

Spottsylvania County, Va.
April 18th, 1867

Stannard — Beverly
(by R C. Dabney)

Forward his a/c of $20.00 against Lewis Hyde (Colored) of Washington D.C., who borrowed a suit of clothes worth said sum, which he has never returned;

Demands payment of a/c without delay, under penalty of legal proceedings.

WRAPPER 1 (1 Enclosures.)

Received, Bureau R. F. & A. L., April 23, 1867.
Rec O. L. S.  D.C. Apl 26" 67

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands.
Washington, April 25th 1867.

Respectfully referred to Bvt. Brig. General C. H. Howard, Asst. Com'r for Dist. of Columbia for investigation and action.

By Order of Major Gen. O. O. Howard 
A. P. Ketchum
Bvt. Lt. Col. and A. A. A. Gen.

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, & Abandoned Land.
Head-Quarters Asst. Commr., D.C,

Respectfully referred to Lieut. Col. W. M. Beebe Jr Local Supt. D.C.

By order of Bvt. Brig. Genl. Howard
√ Wm. W. Rogers
A. A. A. Genl.