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Vol. 3 No 200 A C  D C 1867
East Cap. Barracks
Wash. Sep 10th 67

Johnson, J. A.
Agent &c

Requests that Robert Beverly, wife & daughter, dependent freed people be admitted to freedmans home.

Office Local Supt. D. C.
Washington, Sept. 10" 1867

Resp'y returned to J. A. Johnson, Agent. These [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] and all similar cases must be accompanied by a Surgn. Certificate, that the parties are permanently disabled before they can be admitted to the "Home". If temporarily indisposed they will be sent to the Hospital.

J V W Vandenburgh
Local Supt. D.C.

E B 88, 67

Dispensary No. 1.
East Cap. St. Bcks
Washington Sept. 11th 1867

Thereby certify that the parties named in the within applications are permanently disabled & are fit subjects for Freedmen's Village.

G. A. Wheeler
A. A. Surg. U.S.A.