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Bureau R.F.and A.L.
Office A.S.C Comr.
4" Div. 10" Sub Dist Va.
Warrentors Va. Dec 5" 1867

Respectfully returned to Capt. and
Bvt. Lieut. Col. S.P. [[?]]. U.S.A. Sub Asst. Comr. 10" Sub Dist-Va. With the information that Wm H. Gains. has given a Statement of his acct. to Lettie Palmer's Council. Which is as follows, $143.34. cash in hand,
and a judgment against John Gaskins for $300.00 with interest from Jany 1st 1867. Wm H. Gains refused to give a copy of this indebtedness to the Estate to me as Letitia Palmer has commenced Suit, & he was ready to pay over to Mrs Palmer all in his hands - upon receipt of an Order from Court

E.B. Gates
Capt. V.R.C.&A.S.A.Com
4" Div 10" Sub Dist Va.

Bureau R.F. and A Lands.
Off. S.A.Com'r. 10" Sub. Dist. of Va.
Alexandria Va. Dec'r 14 1867

Respectfully returned to Bvt. Brig. Gen. A. Brown whose attention is invited to the endorsement of Capt. Gates of the 5 inst. As this case has been carried into court, I can see no way of interfering further in the matter, until it is disposed of. I have instructed Capt. Gates to attend the trial and to report the facts of the case to this office with the decision of the court when it is rendered.

S.C. Lee
Capt. & Bvt. Lt. Col. U.S. Army,
Sub-Asst. Com'r. 10" Sub. Dist. Va.

DEC 16

H'd Q'rs Asst. Comr, Dist. of Va.
Bureau of R.F. & A.L.
Richmond, Va. Dec 16th 1867

Respectfully returned to Major Genl. O. O. Howard, Commr., inviting attention to endorsements of Capt. Gates, of Sept. 27th and Dec. 5th, and Col. Lee of Dec. 14th, 1867.

O Brown
Bvt. Brig. Genl. Vols.
Asst. Comr.
