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Patsy Pleasant and Mary Mosby, residence not found, please furnish thro Maj Vandenburgh more definite directions.

Sarah Boon not destitute, husband has steady employment at 1.50 per day, has made no recent application for relief. 

Ann Jeinfer husband employed on Potomac Fisheries, need nothing but a little clothing, which has been ordered. 

Susan Chase no residence given please furnish directions thro' Maj Vandenburgh.

Nellie Carroll, family able to work clothing ordered, further investigation directed. 

The Asst Comr. directs me to call your attention to the fact that it is useless to report cases except individually and in detail. 

The following is the closing sentence of your report under consideration, the cases alluded to in which one recommended to you for further inquiry, 

"The Sanitary Officer Policeman Fairchild, reports that he knows several families in his precinct who is suffering very much for food" 

I have the honor to be Madam, 
(sgd) Stuart Eldridge
A. A. A. Genl.

Thro Office Local Supt. D. C.

L. B. 4 No 494.

Transcription Notes:
Edited: filled in blanks, removed indents not requred, added words omitted, thro is through, etc.