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     "Kitty Buckner (col'd); 40 years of age; ha 6 children, aged 1, 4, 6, 11, 12 and 14 years; very poor; proper subject for Freedmens Village, Va., but refuses to go; needs food for immediate use."
     Special relief necessary to prevent suffering for one week has been ordered in the above cases. You will inform the parties at once of the action taken, and that unless they (if suitable subjects therefor), refuse the offer of admission to Freedmens Village, where they will be properly and well cared for, no further relief will be afforded to them by this Bureau
     In the case of Caroline Lee, reported by you, Special Relief to the amount of $3.00 has been ordered.
     You will notify the proper visiting agents of the above issues, and the instructions as to future issues of relief to the parties named.
     Report further in relation to the cases of parties you consider proper subjects for admission to Freedemens Village, stating your reasons more fully.

Your ob. servant,
