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Vol 3. No. 25. O. L. S. D. C. 1868.
Washington D. C.
April 18" 1868.

Eldridge Stuart
A. A. A. Genl.

Encloses the following appointments from the Comr as agents Bureau R. F. & A. L, for the Dist of Col. in accordance with request of Local Supt. D. C. Apr 10" 1868.

A. P. Bogue, $50 per mo to date Apl. 1" 68. 
Jno. H. Caw $50 per mo to date Apl. 1" '68
Chas. H Welcher $50 per mo to date Apl. 1" '68
Wm. D Johnson $50 per mo to date Apl. 1" '68
H. L. Smith $50 per mo to date Apl. 1" '68

All these Agents (except Mr Smith) will be required to fill rep & transmit to Hd. Qrs, the inclosed oaths sworn to & attested, by a magistrate of Notary Public. 

Received Apr 18 1868 O. L. S. D. C.