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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters Ass't Commissioner, District Columbia,
Washington, January 20th 1868
J.V.W. Vandenburgh,
Local Supt D.C.

Sir: -
The Asst. Com'r directs that you take steps
at once to render the business of the employment offices under your direction more actions if To this end he directs that special effort be made at once, and continued to induce unemployed freed people to accept situations offered them through Capt. A. A. Lawrence in St. Mary's County Maryland, at Muirkirk, Prince George Co. Md., at Barry Farm, and at the old penitentiary building in the city.
Able bodied freedmen refusing to accept situations offered them will be debarred from receiving any other aid from this resource

Your obedient servant
S.N. Clark
A.A.A. General
L.B.A. #178