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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands
Head Quarters Asst. Commissioner D.C.
Washington, January 9th 1868

I have the honor to call your attention to the fact that the issues of fuel in this District exceed the allowance prescribed by regulations and recommend a reduduction of said issues to the amount fixed by the Bureau Officers Manual.

The issues of fuel in December, not including to Freedmens Village and that consumed at these head quarters, amounted to $4,120 pounds of coal and thirteen cords of wood.

The monthly allowance prescribed by the Officers Manual is; 

for each Sub Asst. Commissioners office one cord of hardwood
for each Dispensary                     one cord of hardwood
for each necessary office fire          one cord of hardwood

Fifteen hundred pounds of anthracite or thirty bushels of bituminous coal may be issued when practicable in lieu of a cord of wood.

In my opinion the following number of fires and corresponding allowance of fuel are necessary.

Office Local Supt, D.C.                              one fire
Office Supt. Wisewell Barracks & Employment Office   one fire