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394 North Capitol St.
Washington D.C. March 16 1868

Maj Genl. O.O. Howard
Commissioner Bureau RF &c
The following named menare out of work, and destitute, and request employment. Their applications having been on file at this office several weeks- 

James Thomas      Thomas Tabbs
Thomas Lee        William Sorrell  
James Clark       John Washington
James Carr        Wm. J.Walls
James Lancaster   Wm. Shepherd
David Stewart     Allen Brown
John Lane
Patrick Shehan
Patrick Eaglan
Scott Terril
Garret Wheeler
Gilbert Tarpin 
Garret Watkins   

Respectfully Your Obt Svt.
J.S. Griffing  

Transcription Notes:
Edited to remove indentations, correct some spelling, etc.