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The following accessions were made to this Department from July to November 1882.

Dr. T.H. Bean.  25+ specimens of Cambarus affinis, from Havre de Grace, Md, obtained in fish seines.  Acc. No. 11546.

Prof. A.E. Verrill, New Haven, Conn. Instalment of U.S. Fish Commission Invertebrates, Miscellaneous groups. largely duplicates.  Acc. No. 11972.

Museu Nacional de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  Collection of Brazilian corals, containing about 144 specimens, and all the known Brazilian species, collected by the Commissar Geologica de Brazil. Ch. Fred. Hartt, Chief. between 1875 and 1878.  In exchange. Acc. No. 11849.

Winifred Stearns, Amherst, Mass. Collection of Miscellaneous Marine Invertebrates, from Labrador, mainly Crustacea, radiates and worms.  Acc. No. 11859.