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Proceedings of the Meeting of the Board of Regents
January 30, 1995

                                                                      |   | Page |
| --- | --- |
| Summary of Proceedings | i-ix |

| Attendance | 1 |

| Consideration of the Proposed Consent and Information Agenda | 2 |

| Minutes of the Meeting of September 19, 1994 | 2 |

| Report of the Executive Committee | 2 |

| Report of the Investment Policy Committee | 3 |

| Report of the Personnel Committee | 9 |

| Designation of Messrs. Foley, Sasser, and Warner as Regents Emeritus | 9 |

| Smithsonian Reorganization | 10 |

| Preliminary Consideration of Proposed Amendments to Regents' Bylaws | 14 |

| Smithsonian National Board: Activities and Bylaws | 16 |

| Financial Report | 24 |

| Smithsonian Boards and Commissions: Proposed Appointments and Bylaws Amendments | 38 |

| Smithsonian's 1995 Legislative Agenda and Information | 48 |

| Preliminary Report on Latino Matters | 65 |

| 150th Anniversary Corporate Partnership Program | 66 |

Status Reports | 66 |

| Litigation Report | 66 |
| Status of Mitchell and Other Indemnification Cases | 71 |
| Development Initiatives and Funds Raised | 72 |
| Senior-Level Recruitments | 73 |
| Major Construction Activities | 74 |
| Planning for the Extension of the Air and Space Museum | 75 |
| Natural History Museum's West Court Project |  76 |
| Smithsonian Financial System | 76 |
| Biodiversity and Environmental Initiatives | 78 |
| Electronic Access and Communications | 80 |
| March 1995 "What About Increase?" Symposium | 81 |