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VOTED that the Board of Regents authorizes the Secretary to establish, as part of the Institution's Endowment funds, a quasi-unrestricted fund to be known as the Patricia C. Dodge Fund and to authorize the transfer of the monies identified for this purpose.


VOTED that the Board of Regents appoints Manley Alan Begay, Jr., George L. Cornell, Billy L. Cypress, Dwight Gourneau, Gerald R. McMaster, Joann Sebastian Morris, Nancy Clark Reynolds, and Phyllis Young to the Board of Trustees of the National Museum of the American Indian.

VOTED that the Board of Regents appoints Kathleen Allaire, Harvey Krueger, and Richard Smith to the Board of Trustees of Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum for three-year terms, effective October 1994 to October 1997.

VOTED that in accordance with Public Law 95-414, the Board of Regents reappoints to the Commission of the National Museum of African Art, effective January 1, 1995, David C. Driskell, Frances Humphrey Howard, Robin B. Martin, and Robert H. Nooter, for terms expiring December 31, 1997.

VOTED that the Board of Regents appoints Dr. Nancy Ruth Morin to the Board of the National Museum of Natural History

VOTED that the Board of Regents reappoints to the National Museum of American Art Commission Edwin I. Colodny, Ann Cousins, and Frank K. Ribelin for terms expiring December 31, 1995. The following new members are appointed to the Commission for terms expiring December 31, 1998: Rosa Rionda de la Cruz, Paul d. Parkman, M.D., and Gerald L. Pearson.

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves the amendments to the Bylaws of the National Portrait Gallery Commission, Article VI. Committees, Section 3.d., as proposed, to increase the Director's authority for discretionary acquisitions.


As voted by the Board of Regents in September 1994, the Institution is seeking enactment of the following two pieces of legislation in conjunction with its Sesquicentennial Anniversary activities.