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The machine gun troop of the Ninth (Negro) Calvary, U. S. A., ha set a new record for gun practise. They went into action from a gallop in 12 2-5 seconds. Not only did they do astonishingly rapid work, but they literally shot the line of targets down after scoring 73 hits on 65 per cent of the targets, firing 240 rounds in a minute and ten seconds, the range being battle sight. At another time during the same series of tests, the troop scored 50 per cent of figures hit at 550 yards in thirty seconds' firing, and 96 per cent of figures hit at 780 yards in one minute of firing.
A health association in connection with The St. Luke's Hospital and Training School for Negroes, Inc., at Columbia, South Carolina, has been organized and incorporated under the laws of the state. 
At a meeting of The Missouri State Board of Dental Examiners held in Jefferson City, October 9 to 11, six colored applicants were successful.
Mr. Monroe N. Work, of Tuskegee Institute, has been made a member of The National Institute of Efficiency, with headquarters at Washington, D. C. He was nominated for membership by Hamilton Holt, of the Independent.
Major William Stewart Robertson, a colored man, has been awarded a medal for gallantry. He is a member of the British Army, and The Royal Highlanders. He is now on duty near or around Flanders.
Charity Hospital and Training School for Nurses, which was founded by colored citizens of Savannah, Georgia, twenty-three years ago, is asking for $20,000 to build and equip a modern hospital. Mr. P. A. Denegall is president.
Dr. and Mrs. Noah Elliott, former slaves, over ninety years of age, have contributed $500 to the colored Young Men's Christian Association's building in Columbus, Ohio.
The white people of Albany, New York, have held a meeting to help the colored population in various ways. 
Mr. Charles C. Allison, Jr., former secretary of boys' work with The National League of Urban Conditions Among Negroes, in New York City, was recently made secretary of the colored Big Brother movement.
An infirmary for colored people has been opened in Birmingham, Alabama, at 1508 Seventh Avenue.

The Pythians of Tennessee have started a campaign to raise $25,000 for the purchase of the two-story structure with a fifty-five foot frontage on Cedar Street, and 120 feet on Fourth Avenue, Nashville, for their Pythian Temple.
The Baltimore, Maryland, colored Young Men's Christian Association has secured property at McCulloh and Dolphin Streets, for their new $100,000 building.
The following is the report of the colored Carnegie Library at Houston, Texas, for the month ending October 31: Visitors to reading room, 1,011; meetings in building, 32; new borrowers, 18; total number of borrowers, 2,527. FInes collected,$7.79. Circulation of books, 1,501.

PALMER MEMORIAL INSTITUTE, in Sedalia, North Carolina, has celebrated its fifteenth anniversary. Mrs. Charlotte Hawkins Brown, the founder, has raised a $15,000 fund for the institution.
The late Mrs. Martha H. Andrew, a white millionaire, has willed $50,000 each to Tuskegee and Hampton.
Dr. Samuel G. Elbert has been appointed to the trustee board of The State College, near Dover, Deleware, by Governor Miller. Although this college is composed of colored students, Dr. Elbert is the first Negro to hold the position of trustee.
Professor Frank Trigg, principal of Virginia COllegiateand Industrial Institute, Lynchburg, who has been engaged in school work for thirty-five years, has been elected to succeed Dr. J. E. Wallace, who recently resigned as president of Bennett College, Greensboro, North Carolina.
The Colored High School at Fort Worth, Texas, has been compelled to transfer more than one hundred of her pupils to a building formerly used by whites.
Five colored men received their degrees with honor among the fifty-six graduates of Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. They were: Messrs. F. F. Carter, M. B., of San Fernando, Trinidad; J. W. T. Case, M. B., of Georgetown, B. G., who received the degrees of M. D., and C. M.; O. K. Blackett, of Port of Spain, Trinidad; G. H. Clare, of Manzanilla, Trinidad, and C. A. Palmer of St. Ann's Bay, Jamaica, received the degree of M. B.
The Tri-County Institute of Colored Teachers of Wicomico, Somerset and

Worcester Counties, Maryland, held its second annual session at Princess Anne, November 27 to 29. When the registration was completed it was found that the 118 teachers of the three counties were present, with only two exceptions.
The purchase of a $3,000 site at Nelson Street and East Vine Avenue, Knoxville, Tennessee, for the erection of a library for Negroes, has been authorized by the City Commission.
In December, 1916, Mr. Howard Fisher, of Sharon Hill, Pennsylvania, will complete his eighteen months' term of office as president of The Darby Township School Board. He has served for one term of six years and has been re-elected for a similar term. He is the only colored member of the board which has under its control three schools, one white, one mixed, and one colored, which are taught by seven white and four colored teachers.
Plans are under consideration for the erection of a $100,000 high school for colored pupils in Richmond, Virginia.
The public schools of Richmond, Virginia, have installed lunch rooms where school children may get wholesome and nutritious lunches at reasonable prices. The first lunch room was established at The George Mason School, by a colored woman, Miss Theresita B. Chiles, head of the domestic science department. 
The Board of Trustees of Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute has unanimously elected Mr. WIlliam G. Willcox, president of The Board of Education of New York City, and a member of the Tuskegee Board of Trustees for ten years, to succeed the late Mr. Seth Low, chairman of the Tuskegee board.

ACCORDING to the New York World, Negroes have left the SOuth for the North as follows, since the recent immigration: From Alabama, 60,000; Tennessee, 22,000; Florida, 12,000; Georgia, 10,000; Virginia, 3,000; North Carolina, 2,000; Kentucky, 3,000; South Carolina, 2,000; Arkansas, 2,000; Mississippi, 2,000.
Ten thousand Negroes recruited in South Africa as a military unit, are doing labor service in Europe.
Ira J. Mix, the well known milk dealer, in Chicago, Illinois, recently sold out to Kee and Chapel. When the latter firm took

hold of the business all the Negro employees were discharged, despite the fact that they belonged to The Milk Wagon Drivers' Union. 
Three hundred and fifty colored men are being employed at Galesburg, Illinois, by The C. B. and Q. Railroad Company. The Rev. HOn Garrison, pastor of The A. M. E. Church, Galesburg, is interesting himself in these men and their families and inviting them to the churches so that they may become acquainted with the citizens, and be made welcome to the city.
A Negro farmer in Eufala, Alabama, got $166.32 for a 770-pound bale of cotton and seed, the largest brought to the city this year. 
Mr. Charles M. Schwab is planning to give Negro labor a chance at his steel works plant near Baltimore, Maryland.
Mr. G. W. Richardson, a Negro, won first prize in the live stock department of hogs at the Southeast Texas Fair, a white concern, but open to all contestants.
The colored undertakers of North Carolina are promoting a movement to erect a $40,000 casket factory and embalming school in that state, probably at Durham, where colored men and women will be given lucrative employment. This is a worthy undertaking, for it is said that nearly one million dollars is expended yearly by Negro undertakers to white firms for funeral supplies. Mr. A. L. Garrrett is the promoter of the movement. 
Fifty Negro men and women of Helena, Arkansas, met October 17, and made plans for the establishment of a bank in Helena, to be capitalized at $25,000. Nearly $5,000 of the stock has been subscribed.
Thirty-five Negro mechanics are employed at the Holyoke Machinery Plant, in Holyoke, Massachusetts, as machinists, foundrymen, pattern makers and laborers, at wages ranging from two to four dollars a day, with a chance for promotion. The families of many of these men have also taken up residence in Holyoke.
The National Benefit Association, in Washington, D. C., celebrated its eighteenth anniversary, October 23. The following figures are worthy of mention: Claims paid, $82,000; Real estate, $153,000; Bonds and cash, $260,000; Insurance in force, $5,656,-588.
Mr. J. W. Andrews, a colored farmer is having erected a $10,000 two-story brick