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Nearly a quarter of a century has passed since the Neale house was founded. Hundreds of its publications are in active circulation. None of them are more vitally important to the American people than those that relate to racial problems. They comprise a library in themselves. Limitations of space enable us to announce here but a few of these books by prominent colored authors.

Race Adjustment: Essays on the Negro in America. By Kelly Miller, colored; Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and Professor of Mathematics, Howard University. Third thousand. $2.15 by mail.
Chicago News: "The book is written with great ability, in English quite free from fault, and its logic is fairly inexorable."
New York Evening Post: "As admirable for its calmness and good temper as for its thoroughness and skill." 

Out of the House of Bondage. By Kelly Miller, colored; Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Howard University. $1.65 by mail.

Boston Transcript: "Written in a clear and decisive style, with a comprehensive and convincing command of the subject. He neither denounces nor condemns; he analyzes and constructs possibilities upon the fundamental basis of human nature. No man of his race has so sure a power of pruning the fallacies with passionless intellectual severity from the pernicious arguments of the prejudiced demagogues."

The Facts of Reconstruction. By John R. Lynch, colored; formerly Member of Congress; later Fourth Auditor of the Treasury; at present Major in United States Army. Fourth thousand. $1.65 by mail.
Chicago Tribune: "This book is perhaps the most important contribution which has been made by any political writer during recent years to the political literature of the reconstruction era."

The Key; or, a Tangible Solution of the Negro Problem.
By James S. Stemons, colored; Field Secretary of the Joint Organization of the Association for Equalizing Industrial Opportunities and the League of Civic and Political Reform. Mr. Stemons contends that industrial opportunity, rather than industrial education, is the basic need of the Negro. He presents his arguments in vigorous English of extraordinary purity, and the book may easily be classed with the foremost literature of the Negro race. $1.00 by mail.

Racial Adjustments in the Methodist Episcopal Church.
By John H. Reed, D. D., K. C., colored; with an introduction by Adna B. Leonard, D. D., LL. D. $1.60 by mail
Philadelphia Christian Recorder: "The book is filled with splendid idealism, and in spite of its somewhat verbose character, presents a fine argument, which in this day of compromise for the present exigencies may not be heeded."

Haiti: Her History and Her Detractors.
By J. N. Leger, colored; formerly Minister from Haiti to the United States. Illustrated. Two editions: one in English and the other in French. Each edition $3.20 by the mail.
The Nation, New York: "Haiti, at last, has a champion who is entitled to be heard; for he speaks from fullness of knowledge, and from a position of political eminence sends forth no uncertain sound. It is not too much to say that the latest book on Haiti is also the best that has ever appeared respecting the so-called 'Black Republic.' Minister Leger has struck a new note, for, unlike others who have written on the subject, he places himself against a veritable wall of facts, and not only wards off the blows that are aimed at his country, but takes the aggressive against her critics."

The New Negro: His Political, Civil, and Mental Status.
By William Pickens, Lit. D., colored; Dean of Morgan College, Baltimore. Dr. Pickens was graduated from Yale in the highest grade of his class and won the Phi Beta Kappa Key and the Ten Eyck Oration. Although a young man, he has won distinction as a scholar; he is among the foremost men of his race. $1.60 by mail.

Negro Culture in West Africa.
By George W. Ellis, K. C., F. R. G. S., colored; recently, and for eight years, Secretary of the United States Legation in Liberia; author of "Liberia in the Political Psychology of West Africa," "Islam as a Factor in West African Culture," "Dynamic Factors in the Liberian Situation," and other works. Profusely illustrated. $2.15 by mail.
Chicago Tribune: "It is the third consecutive contribution made by a noted man to our knowledge of conditions and peoples in West Africa."
Albany Times Union: "It is easily one of the most important contributions ever made to the literature of the Negro race."
New York Crisis: "This history ought to be in every American's library."

The Black Man's Burden.
By William H. Holtzclaw, colored; Principal of the Utica Normal and Industrial Institute for the Training of Colored Young Men and Young Women, Utica, Mississippi. With an introduction by the late Booker T. Washington. Illustrated. Third thousand. $1.60 by mail.
New Orleans Times-Picayune: "It is an interesting study of Negro achievement and should be an inspiration to the young men and the young women of the race."

Prof. Wm. E. Chancellor, Ph. D., the eminent historian and educator, writes: "The Neale Publishing Company to-day represents high-water mark in America for its historical works. Upon its list are to be found the best books upon each and every side of the common issues of our public life. Such is the authority of the list considered as an entirety as to lend luster to each separate title, creating a presumption in its favor."

Order through
THE NEALE PUBLISHING CO., 440 Fourth Avenue New York City or THE CRISIS, 70 Fifth Avenue New York City


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Builder of a Civilization by EMMETT J. SCOTT
for 18 Years Secretary to Booker T. Washington
Preface by Theodore Roosevelt

The dramatic accurate story of one who rose from slave boy to be the recognized leader of his race and to take his place for all time among America's great men.
A trenchant and graphic picture of the man himself as known by those nearest him; of his contributions to education, his position on the rights of the eg ro [Negro] and race prejudice, etc.
The serious matter is relieved by many of the inimitable stories for which Washington was noted. This book furnishes a sequel to "Up from Slavery."
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N.B. Catalogue  of new rare books, pertaining to the colored race.

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