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[[3 columned table]]

| EGT - | 140°C minimum | - < 140°C => flameout |

|   | 140-630° "continuous" |   |

|   | *( 630-645° mil/max |   |

|   | *( 845°C abort start | - monitor continuously during start (shut down @ 845°C) |

|   | *( 925°C over temps engine |   |

| RPM - | 83% - 98.5% "continuous" |   |

|   | 98.5 - 104% mil/max | - mil < 30 min max < 15 min | 

| OIL - | 5 psi minimum |   |
|   | 20-55 psi normal | - low oil pressure is always bad |

|   |    | - ±10 psi change, go to [[check mark]]-list |  

| FUEL - | * <360 fuel flow on start | - monitor during start |

[[/3 columned table]]

Transcription Notes:
I couldn't duplicate the red bracket and two red stars.