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18                                              ATCM 51-38 1 September 1977

the closed. Start the pullup with a minimum of 240 KIAS. Airspeed should be above 200 KIAS during the climbing turn to downwind. On downwind, anticipate a large power reduction to ensure airspeed is below 240 KIAS.

Make a call after rollout on downwind. Carefully clear the initial approach and the pitchout area for other aircraft. If you cannot maintain proper separation between other aircraft, breakout and reenter the traffic pattern.


Do not perform practice no-flap patterns or landings solo or with more than 2,500 pounds of fuel aboard. No-flap full stop practice landings are prohibited.

No-flap landings are accomplished from both overhead patterns and straight-in approaches.

A touchdown on speed (proper touchdown attitude) within the first 2,000 feet of the runway is acceptable under normal circumstances. Basic airspeeds are:
-Final turn - 190 KIAS.
-Final approach - 170 KIAS.
-Touchdown - 145 KIAS.

No-Flap Pattern and Landing (Overhead)

The basic difference between the no-flap and normal pattern is the final turn. The no-flap pattern requires a larger turn radius. To determine when to initiate the final turn, use the runway compensated for winds.

Fly the final turn and final approach the same as the normal pattern using no-flap airspeeds.


To accomplish a straight-in approach:
1. Obtain clearance for the approach. Additional calls may be required at 9NM and 4NM from the end of the runway. If circumstances delay either call, state your exact position when you are able. (These procedures may be modified as required when coping with actual emergency situations.)

2. Arrive at the designated entry point as specified at 240 KIAS minimum.

3. Show the landing light on final.

4. At approximately 5NM from the end of the runway, establish the landing configuration and allow the airspeed to gradually decrease to final approach airspeed (AOA on-speed).

Simulated single-engine patterns are flown dual only and normally from a straight-in approach. The, "failed engine," should be set at approximately 60 percent rpm. Delay lowering landing gear until just prior to glide slope interception if heavy fuel loads, high outside air temperatures, turbulence, or other conditions cause single-engine military thrust to be inadequate for gear and flaps down level flight. The approach should be planned so that afterburner is not required to maintain the recommended airspeed (AOA on-speed). However, do not hesitate to use it when necessary.

If alternate gear extension is used, allow for slower gear extension. During simulated alternate gear extensions, the instructor resets the landing gear system (after confirming that the alternate release handle is fully stowed) by moving the landing gear handle down, then up, and back to the down position.

Begin descent planning to reach INM from the runway at approximately 400 feet AGL. From this point fly a normal final approach.

You may obtain assistance in accomplishing a straight-in approach by using VASI, ILS, or radar monitor as an aid in establishing a safe glide angle for landing.

Simulated Single-Engine Landing

An engine may be retarded on final approach after an overhead pattern for single-engine landing/go-around practice. A touchdown on speed (proper touchdown attitude) within the first 2,000 feet of the runway is acceptable under normal circumstances. When 60 percent flaps are used on full stop landings expect less effective aerodynamic braking. Use both engines for the go-around after a simulated single-engine touchdown.

To make a planned simulated single-engine go-around use maximum power on the good engine. Do not allow airspeed to drop below computed pattern airspeed (AOA on-speed) during the go-around. Should this condition occur, place both throttles to maximum power and complete the go-around.

NOTE: During single-engine operation, use rudder to counteract yaw caused by the asymmetrical thrust condition. Maintain coordinated flight by application of rudder on the side corresponding to the good engine. Yaw will be greater during low airspeed