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7. Pattern airspeeds should be increased by "1/2 the gust factor." Gust factor is difference between prevailing wind and peak gusts. E.g. winds 090/10G22: Gust factor = 22 - 10 = 12 => add 6 KIAS to airspeed.

8. Circling approach: can fly to minimums of runway to which approach is flown. When you break out, you're VFR, and can descend, maneuver, whatever to line up with landing runway. [Result: End up flying a pattern at ~500', as opposed to usual 1500'] 

9. Missed approach vs go-around.
(a) any time you're on on IFR approach (published approach), missed approach instructions should be executed any time an approach is waved off (even after breaking out of well below weather + minimums).... important because "real weather" may exist 
(b) when VFR, a wave-off is a "go-around." No instructions have been issued. Pilot should request closed, or depart pattern, etc. Technique:
 1. achieve TO attitude, MIL power

 2. when (lower case h with dot on top) > 0, raise gear .... flaps (> 190 if SE)

 3. drive length of field at 500', slightly offset from runway.