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1) Power Plant
A) T38 Systems Operation: Read all of Chapter on Power Plant; do & self correct review questions; Do exercise & give to me to discuss. Note any questions for discussion. (Don't forget to get me a new book.)
B)-1; ENGINES pp1-3 thru 1-6 (up to FUEL SYSTEM)

2) Aerobatics - /mme/mann
A) 51-38, Adv Flying Jet - Read 'Loop' & 'Immelmann' p14
B) Entry Conditions: 450 KIAS:  550˚EGT - light wt & formation
600˚EGT - heavy wt & formation
MIL - solo 
350 KIAS - AB 60% nozzles - formation MAX AB - solo

We'll use 450/MIL primarily,
Enter wings level and note heading. Start a 4-5g pullup (3-4 g, formation), acquire horizon over your head and fly visually to proper point on horizon. 
[[left margin]]canopy through horizon[[/left margin]]10-20˚ above horizon, relax back pressure and roll 180˚ to heads up (fast roll rate - start 10˚ above horizon; slow roll-rate, 20˚). Use rudder to help maintain heading 180˚ from original (but do it visually with your horizon reference). Use rudder opposite to aileron during first 90˚ of roll & rudder with aileron during last 90° of roll. Try to finish with heading 180˚ from entry, pitch attitude proper for level flight at that airspeed, and sufficient airspeed to fly. Altitude should increase monotonically; after roll you should be level.