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15. Local proficiency flights at Ellington AFB may be conducted on a VFR flight plan whenever weather conditions permit.  T-38A's will not fly VFR locals or "traffic pattern only" flights if the ceiling or visibility is less than ________ feet and ________ miles.  Under these conditions, a T-38A will not depart the traffic pattern to work in the local area, unless an IFR clearance is obtained prior to leaving the pattern.

   (a) 5,000; 5        (c) 1,500; 5

   (b) 2,200; 3        (d) 2,700; 5[[marked as correct answer]]

16. Cross-country flights will depart Ellington AFB on an IFR flight plan. Terminating cross-country flights may cancel IFR below APC if traffic delays and/or fuel requirements dictate. Pilots should not cancel IFR unless assured that a descent and landing can be made in VFR weather conditions of at least ______________.

   (a) 5,000 feet and 5 miles visibility[[marked as correct answer]]
   (b) 1,500 feet and 5 miles visibility
   (c) 2,700 feet and 5 miles visibility
   (d) 5 miles visibility

17. The absolute weather minimums for NASA JSC T-38A's are _______________.

     (a) published, but visibility at least 1 miles (VOR, TACAN, ASR)
     (b) published, but at least 300 feet and 3/4 mile to file or begin approach, 200 feet and 1/2 mile after commencing the approach. (ILS, PAR)
     (c) day circling approaches - published or 500 feet and 2 miles, whichever is greater; night circling approaches - published or 800 feet and 3 miles, whichever is greater.
     (d) All of the above[[marked as correct answer]]

18. A NASA T-38A pilot must list a destination alternate if his intended destination is less than _____________.

     (a) 400 feet and 1 mile above published minimums for ETA  ± 1 hour
     (b) 3,000 feet and 3 miles for ETA ± 1 hour[[marked as correct answer]]
     (c) 1,000 feet and 3 miles for ETA ± 1 hour
     (d) 300 feet and 1 mile above published minimums or 500 feet and 1-1/2 miles, whichever is greater for ETA ± 1 hour.

19. The only published approach at Podunk AFB is a TACAN with minima of (600-2). For this base to qualify as an alternate, the worst forecast weather for ETA ± 1 hour must be at least _______________.

     (a) 600 feet and 2 miles visibility
     (b) 1,000 feet and 3 miles visibility[[marked as correct answer]]
     (c) 300 feet and 1 mile above published minimums
     (d) 500 feet and 1-1/2 miles above published minimums