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20. Which of the following statements concerning circling approaches is not true?
(a) T-38A's will fly an actual circling approach only when no other approach is available.
(b) Weather minimums for daylight circling approaches are as published or ceiling of 500 feet and visibility 2 miles, whichever is higher.
(c) The landing light should be turned on for all instrument approaches, practice or actual, except during those conditions where its use would be distracting to the pilot.
(d) [[drawn square]] With more than 2,000 pounds of fuel (approach speed greater than 165 KIAS), T-38A's will not make a circling approach.
Questions 21 through 43 may be answered by reference to DOD FLIP Planning.
21. When a pilot requests an "OPTION APPROACH," he is telling the controller that he wants [[line]].
(a) a "touch-and-go" or "stop-and-go" landing
(b) a "touch-and-go" or "full-stop" landing
(c) a "missed approach" or "low approach"
(d) [[drawn square]] any of the above approaches at his option
22. Regarding flight within the area of positive control, which of the following statements is correct?
(a) Positive control areas are not considered to be within the continental control area.
(b) Aircraft may ground file for flight operations within the positive control area without a coded radar beacon transponder having Mode 3, code capability without ATC approval.
(c)VFR activities, except VFR climbs and descents, are prohibited. 
(d) [[drawn square]] Procedures for entering and departing the positive control area will be found in the FLIP, IFR-S, United States.
23. You are operating in the Low Altitude Victor Airways Sysytem in an aircraft equipped only with a VOR. No VOR radio change-over points are   depicted along your route. You should [[line]].
(a)[[drawn square]] change your VOR receiver so as to obtain track (course) guidance from the closest VOR/VORTAC forming your route
(b) change your VOR receiver at any point between the two VOR/VORTAC stations defining your route
(c) change your VOR receiver at any time you can identify the next VOR/VORTAC aid along your route
(d) any of the above

Transcription Notes:
Not sure how to indicate the squares around the letters.