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24. You are flying at FL 410 without radar navigational guidance on a route other than an established airway or route. What is the maximum distance between two high-altitude navigation aids that you may file for on any portion of your route?
[[box]](a)[[[/box]] 260 nmi 
(b) 200 nmi 
(c) 300 nmi
(d) 100 nmi                              

25. Pilots must advise the TIE-IN FSS serving the departure, stopover, or enroute delay aerodome when actual departure time will be delayed one hour or more beyond the filed proposal departure time, and provide an updated proposed departure time.
[[box]](a)[[/box]] True
(b) False

26. Delays will be explained under each leg of flight where a delay will occur. The explanation will be preceded by the symbol ®️ and will include the letter "D", duration of delay, location of delay and final distination, e.g, ®️ D 0+30 HUB 108/50 EFD.
[[box]](a)[[/box]] True
(b) False

27. When computing ETE, enroute delays are 
(a) Not included
(b) Included on VFR flight plans
(c) Not included on IFR flight plans
[[box]](d)[[/box]] (b) and (c) are correct.

28. Assume an IFR stopover flight as follows: EFD - ELP 1+30 ETE; 30 minutes on the ground at ELP; ELP - LAX 1+30. In the "PSGR/CARGO CODE" section of the DD Form 175 Military Flight Plan, you will enter a "VOID Time" of:
(a) 3+00     (c) 2+00
(b) 3+30     [[box]](d)[[/box]] 4+00

29. The "ETE TO ALTERNATE: block of the DD Form 175 represents the time required to fly from original destination to the alternate shown, based on flight at ______.

[[box]](a)[[/box]] the last cruising altitude
(b) the initial approach fix (IAF) altitude
(c) your maximum endurance altitude
(d) your missed approach point (MAP) altitude

30. When departing civilian fields, the pilot must ensure that the actual departure time is passed to ______. If the takeoff time is not passed, the aircraft will arrive unannounced at the next destination.

(a) any FAA agency
(b) departure control upon initial contact
[[box]](c)[[/box]] the TIE-IN FSS serving that departure field[
(d) the control tower of the departure field

Transcription Notes:
distination reinstated to transcription. Yes, it is a mispelling but as TRANSCRIBERS we must write how it is written and not correct it on the transcribing end.