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46. Your intended destination is a civilian airport. In the aerodrome/facility directory section for your particular base, you see the following entry: FUEL: (NC-A1+). This means ______.

   (a) non-standard commercial avgas and jet fuel
   (b) NATO code for JP4
   (c) no charge to government aircraft-carry 
       non-leaded jet fuel
   (d) no contract Jet A-1 with icing           
       inhibitor[[marked as correct answer]]

47. Approach control advises that you are cleared for a TACAN approach to runway 03, circle to land runway 21 at Podunk AFB. What circling MDA and weather minima do you use?

   (a)The minimums to be used are those for the 
      landing runway (i.e. runway 21).
   (b)The circling MDA and weather 
      minima to be used are those for the runway 
      to which the instrument approach is flown - 
      not the landing runway (i.e. runway 03).[[marked as correct answer]]
   (c) The highest minimum published on any 
       runway for your category aircraft.
   (d) Either (a) or (b), whichever is higher. 

48. Enroute and alternate airport meteorological watch is the responsibility of the _____.

   (a) pilot in command of the 
       aircraft[[marked as correct answer]]
   (b) forecaster at the departure base
   (c) forecaster at the alternate base
   (d) pilot to forecaster service

49. Which of the following best describes moderate turbulence?
   (a) The aircraft may be momentarily out of control. It causes large abrupt changes in altitude and/or attitude.
   (b) May cause variations in 
       airspeed. Food service and walking are 
       difficult.[[marked as correct answer]]
   (c) The aircraft is tossed about and is 
       practically impossible to control.
   (d) The turbulence occurs more than 2/3 of the 
       time and makes control of the aircraft 

50. You have encountered icing that was potentially hazardous and required you to use de-icing/anti-icing or to divert. You should report the icing as _____.

  (a) light                                   (c) severe
  (b) moderate[[marked as correct answer]]    (d) trace