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51. Pilots will be expected to listen to ATIS (Automatic Terminal Information Service) broadcasts where in operation to obtain essential, but routine, terminal information.  Which of the following procedures does not apply?

(a) The absence of a sky condition and/or visibility on ATIS indicates a ceiling of 3,000 feet or above and visibility of 3 miles or more.[[marked as correct answer]]
(b) Pilots should notify controllers that he has received the broadcast by repeating the alphabetical code word appended to the broadcast.
(c) When the pilot acknowledges that he has received the ATIS broadcast, controllers may omit those items contained on the broadcast if they are current.
(d) Controllers will automatically issue pertinent information to pilots who do not acknowledge receipt of the ATIS broadcast or who acknowledge receipt of a broadcast which is not current.

52. Joint USAF/NASA tests have proven RCR measurements invalid where the only form of moisture affecting the runway is water.  Readings taken during such conditions will be reported as wet runway (WR).

(a) True[[marked as correct answer]]
(b) False

53.  You have been cleared to taxi to the active runway at Podunk AFB during daylight VFR conditions, experience complete radio failure and observe a flashing white light from the tower.  You should _________.

(a) acknowledge the signal by movement of your ailerons or rudder and give way to other aircraft
(b) acknowledge the signal by movement of your ailerons or rudder and return to your starting point on the airport[[marked as correct answer]]
(c) acknowledge the signal by flashing your lights and proceed with caution
(d) immediately taxi clear of your position and standby for further signals

54.  You have started a turbojet enroute descent when you determine two-way radio communications failure has occurred.  The procedure is to ____.

(a) climb back to the IAF penetration altitude and from that altitude execute the published penetration
(b) proceed to the IAF/ radio facility at the last assigned altitude, the minimum safe altitude, or the emergency safe altitude if the point of communications failure or initial approach fix is more than 25 miles from the navigation facility for the approach, whichever is higher, and from that altitude execute the published penetration.[[marked as correct answer]] 
(c) maintain the last assigned altitude and from that altitude execute the penetration 
(d) any of the above, whichever is higher