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[[2 Columned Table]]
|15. RIGHT FLAP|Same as Left|
|16. RIGHT AILERON|Hinge Cotter Pins in Place|
|---|Hinge Nuts in Place|
|---|Actuator Rod Nut in Place|
|17. RIGHT WING|No Damage to Wing|
|---|No Damage to Strut|
|---|Check Tank Drain for Contaminents|
|18. RIGHT LANDING GEAR|Same as Left|
|19. ENGINE COMPARTMENT|Check Oil (4 1/2 qt Min.)|
|---|Check Carb. Sump|
|---|for Contaminents|
|20. RIGHT WING TANK FUEL|Visually Check Quantity|
|21. ENGINE COWLING|No Damage|
|---|Proper Attachment|
|22. CARB AIR INTAKE|No Restrictions|
|23. NOSE GEAR|Strut Extension (Approx 4"[[?]]|
|---|No Leaks|
|---|Wheel Pants Firmly Attache[[?]]|
|---|Tire Inflation Proper|
|24. PROPELLER|No Damage|
|35[[25]]. STATIC AIR PORT|No Restrictions|
|26. LEFT WING TANK FUEL|Visually Check Quantity|
|27[[.]] DYNAMIC AIR PORT|No Restrictions|
|28. STALL INDICATOR AIR|No Restrictions|
|29. FUEL TANK VENT|No Restrictions|
|30. LEFT WING|Same as Right Wing|
|31. LEFT AILERON|Same as Right Aileron|