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Although I am excited about Dr. Ride's effort, I still feel it appropriate to require NASA to respond directly to the National Commission on Space. This will give Congress a broader range of documentation to review when approving space goals, should the Administration propose any. Response to the Paine Commission report could be achieved through the efforts of Dr. Ride's task force, in preparing its final report. It would be appropriate, for example, for Dr. Ride to include the NASA response to the Paine Commission report in her study.

I would like also to stress that NASA's long-range planning efforts aggressively incorporate international cooperation. The long-range goals that NASA is suggesting cannot be accomplished in alone. We must go as equal partners into space, in both unmanned and manned efforts. The United States is rapidly declining as the preeminent spacefaring nation, as other nations grow in their capabilities. We must increasingly seek ways to cooperate on space projects with other nations-- including the Soviet Union.

Finally, the kind of long-range goals that all of us have in mind will not be achieved within the current budget limitation. To get where we want to go in space will require serious augmentation of the NASA budget of five to 10 percent in real growth over a 10 year period before leveling off. This amount may seem excessive to many of my colleagues, but if we are not 
