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276         THE CRISIS

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followed by six years of invalidism which left their influence also upon her Christiar character. She knew suffering all her life and was made strong by it.
For some time she attended Mount Holyoke Academy and came under the influence of Mary Lyon.
The Civil War being closed, Mrs. Case joined the army of teachers that went South into the work of educating the Freedmen for civilization. Under the American Missionary Association she worked for a year at Macon, Ga., and for a year at Albany, Ga. There are people still living at Albany who recall the little woman who somehow entered into their lives and left their a deep New England impress. 
After the year at Albany, Mrs. Case was appointed a teacher in the Atlanta University then about to open its doors, and was present to meet the first class that entered the school. Her name appears upon every catalogue from the first to the forty-fifth, either as an active worker or as an honorary matron. Beginning as a teacher in many lines, with the growing numbers of pupils and better organization of the work finally she became matron of the Boys' Hall.
The passing of Mrs. Case, in a sense, closes an era in the history of the Freedmen. Mrs. Case was probably the last survivor of the little company that in 1869 opened for the first time the doors of Atlanta University. Perhaps with her death closes an era in which the "forward strides" of the colored race have been accomplished by the Negro himself aided by his northern teachers and friends, and held back, as Mrs. Hammond suggests, by "southern management."
May it not be that the new half century shall see not two, but three forces co-operating for the solution of that vexing situation known as the southern problem! In this solution we count first, "the innate capacity of the Negro for progress"; second, a more sympathetic management on the part of the white South, as suggested by the Forward Movement; and third, the continued assistance of the North. And the result shall be an ever-widening securing of Justice and Opportunity for all the sons and daughters of all the nationalities and races who call this broad land "Our Country."

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THE INJUSTICE The Tampa (Fla.) Tribune published a letter from a colored man showing that the white citizens of Tampa have "segregated" all their white and colored prostitutes in the colored quarter where there are six churches, two schools and a masonic temple:
"It will be seen by the foregoing table that approximately three thousand people are more or less effected by these disorderly houses and that, too, while either attending schools or in the orderly worship of religious services. It may also be pointed out that about three-fourths of the church-going colored people of the whole city are compelled to inhale the odor and face the glare of the 'red light' district."
Why were the churches and halls and schools built there? The correspondent says plaintively:
"We had to have churches so we built them where we had the opportunity to do so. But it can be shown that all of these churches, except one preceded these disorderly houses to this section."
This is always the fruit of legal or customary segregation of Negroes: In New Orleans, Washington and Baltimore it means the confining of the mass of colored people to the worst alleys in the world. Nashville particularly is a case in point: twenty-six years ago the writer of this article nearly died from typhoid fever at Fisk University, because the city refused this institution sewerage connections. To-day the city still refuses, although this part of Nashville is one of the neatest, quietest and prettiest suburbs inhabited by people of moderate means; nevertheless, these people are colored and they must continue to sicken and die.
The situation in Richmond (Va.) is pictured thus by T. W. Jones, who writes to one of the local white dailies:
"What does it matter if because of greatly increasing numbers we must encroach upon what has formerly been known as white territory? what does it matter if the white people in the vicinity of Leigh and Fifth Streets are crowded out? They have everywhere to go while colored people have no-where else to go. We are not only segre-

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