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In the good old days when the kind spirits knew that people trusted them, they allowed themselves to be seen, but now there are just a few human beings left who ever remember or believe that a fairy ever existed, or rather does exist. For, dear children, no matter how much the older folks tell you that there are no fairies, do not believe them. I am going to tell you now of a dear, good fairy, Goodwilla, who has been under the power of a wicked enchanter called Grafter, for many years.
Goodwilla was once a very happy and contented little fairy. She was a very beautiful fairy; she had a soft brown face and deep brown eyes and slim brown hands and the dearest brown hair that wouldn't stay "put", that you ever saw. She lived in a beautiful wood consisting of fir trees. Her house was made of the finest and whitest drifted snow and was furnished with kind thoughts of children good words of older people and everything which is beautiful and pleasant. She was always dressed in a white robe with a crown of holly leaves on her head. In hand she carried a long magic icicle, and whatever she touched with this became very lovely to look upon. Snowdrops always sprang up wherever she stepped, and her dress sparkled with many small stars.
The children loved Goodwilla, and she always welcomed them to her beautiful home where she told them of Knights and Ladies, Kings and Queens, Witches and Ogres and Enchanters. She never told them anything to frighten them and the children were al-

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-ways glad to listen. You must not think that Goodwilla always remained at home and told the children stories, for she was a very busy little fairy. She visited sick rooms where little boys or girls were suffering and laid her cool brown hands on their heads, whispering beautiful words to them. She touched the different articles in the room with her magic icicle and caused them to become lovely. Wherever she stepped her beautiful snowdrops were scattered. At other times she went to homes where the father and mother were unhappy and cross. She was invisible to them, but she touched them without their knowing it and they instantly became kind and cheerful. Other days she spent at home separating the good deeds which she had piled before her, from the bad deeds. So you see with all of these things to do Goodwilla was very busy.
Now, there was an old enchanter who lived in a neighboring wood. He was very wealthy, ut people feared him, although they visited him a great deal. His house was set in the
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midst of many trees, all of which bore golden and silver apples. The house was made of precious metal and the inside was seemingly handsome. But looking closely one could see that the beautiful chairs were very tender and if not handled rightly they would easily break. Music was always being played softly by unseen musicians, but one who truly loved music could hear discords which spoiled the beauty of all. In fact, everything in his palace, although seemingly beautiful, if examined closely, was very wrong. Grafter, which was the enchanter's name, spent all of his time in instructing men how to be prosperous and receive all that they could for nothing. He did not pay much attention to the children, although once in a while a few listened to his evil words. He was always very busy, but somehow he did at all times get the results he expected. He scratched his head and thought and thought. Finally, one day he cried, "Ah, I have it, there is an insignificant fairy called Goodwilla who is meddling in my affairs, I'll wager. Let me see how best I can overcome her." The old fellow who could change his appearance at will, now became a handsome young enchanter and looked so fine that it would be almost impossible for the fairy herself to resist him. He made his way to her abode and asked for admittance to her house. She gladly bade him enter, although she knew him, she thought she could persuade him to forego his evil ways and win men by fair means. 
Now something strange happened. Every chair that Grafter attempted to take became invisible when he started to seat himself and he found nothing but empty air. After this had happened for a long while, he became so angry that he forgot the part he was trying to play and acted very badly indeed. He stormed at poor Goodwilla as if she had been the cause of good deeds and kind words to vanish at his touch. "You Madam," said he, "are the cause of this, and I know now why I cannot be successful in my work. You fill the children's heads full of nonsense and when I have almost persuaded the fathers to do something which will benefit them as well as their children, these brats come with their prattle and undo all that I have done. Now I have stood it long enough. I shall give you three trials, and if you do not conquer, you shall be under my power for seven hundred years." 
The Good Fairy listened and felt very grieved, but she knew that Grafter was stronger than she, as minds of men turned more to his commanding way than they did to hers. Nevertheless she determined to do her best and said "Very well, Grafter, I shall do as you wish and if I do not succeed I am in your hands, but later everything will be all right and I shall rule over you." Grafter, who had not expected this, now became alarmed and thought by soft words he could perhaps coax her to do his way, but Goodwilla was strong and would not listen to his flattering. "Then, Madam," he said, 'I shall force you to perform these tasks or be my slave:
"First, you must cause all of the people in the world to help and give others for the sake of giving and not for what they shall receive in return.
"Secondly, you must cause all of the rich to help the poor instead of taking from them to swell their already fat pocketbooks, and thirdly you must cause men and women to
 [[photo in center of text: six girls three in the front, three in the back captioned: "OHIO"]]