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Mrs. Barry at first agreed to come Tues. night & I should have tried to return Tues. 
had I known her change in plans earlier but there is so much to do now that I need the time.

Stoughton, Mass.
5 May 1935

Dear Sid:

Today has been a blissfully ringless day for the telephone and front door bell.  We had one applicant who returned, - the deaf one that I had liked.  She seemed disappointed but was glad when I told her I was surely going to try to get her in case this one didn't pan out.  She has a married daughter in Clarendon, over off the Lee highway towards Cherrydale, and has just been down on a 3-day excursion trip to see her.  As for Mrs. Barry, Maude knows her & says she has seen her dance in church plays, and Mrs. Legge says she is a very good woman and sure to give satisfaction.  She is an apparently social sort who has had money in her day.  Her father [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] was a northerner, her mother and she born in Alexandria, Va.

This  morning I went over to Ralph's, and stayed a few minutes with Henry's wife & baby, - the others were out.  The baby - ours - spent his time chasing a cat they have acquired, who has also had an operation!

This afternoon Ralph came over & took us all down to Nantucket.  He wanted to see about getting his house rented for the summer.  I treated with ice cream cones, Ralph got fried clams!  Also a lot of lobsters & clams to take home.  So