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Stoughton, Mass.
Fri. 8 May 1935

Dear Sid:

I have been too busy to write before this I meant to get off a card yesterday, and didn't. We came up all right making good connections all the way. I got a glass of milk for the baby just before the boat sailed & fed her sandwiches on the upper deck. It was pretty chilly there so we went below soon, and as soon as it got dark at all she went to bed and slept soundly. There was too much a rattle of dishes for me for sometime but I got a fair night's rest. In Providence we took the bus to Brockton and I reached Stoughton at 9, left the suit case for Ralph, and trotted up to find Alice still there. Lena appeared a little later -- she had been waiting in Boston for the Federal but came to the conclusion I wasn't on it. She looked miserable. Ma had opened my letter in her absence and read it as I judged and felt pretty mad. But I explained matters to Lena privately - she wouldn't understand my not writing naturally. I gave Alice $10 - without any ado to Ma who doesn't know it yet, and would consider it a great extravagance. Lena is pretty nearly at the end of her resources too, I offered her money, but she said not now. I fancy if she doesn't get a job she will be in straights shortly but what can you do? I slept in Mrs. O's room, Lena on the