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Stoughton, Mass.
Sunday 24 June 1934.

Dear Sid:

I suppose this is my last letter to you out there, as you will not receive any mail after Wednesday and probably not get this till you return next Monday...if you go back to Palo Alto at all. But I presume you may go back, and am sending this in case you do.

Nothing particular happens to write about anyhow. I stayed home yesterday. Myrtie came up with a bag of books for the folks, and it rained most of the day. I tried to call on Ralph's folks about suppertime, but found only young Henry fresh from a ball game and still in his togs. We didn't go in. Then I took the baby about to see Mabel. Mabel and she fell into a dispute at once. Doris insisted, "I am 5 years old and you are only 4." "I'm 5 too, proudly declared the other, but the baby wouldn't believe it till she saw all the other's birthday presents, and then she was decidedly chagrined. 

Frank Monk and Emma Wentworth -- widow of Geo O.W. --are buried today.

Amy came over before lunch. Her husband got a temp. govern. job a month ago at new port inspecting torpedoes or something of the sort, and they are rooming