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Palo Alto, 23 June 1934
Dear D + D. : Went directly to Calif. Acad whom I got in yesterday and found Miss. Eastwood, Munz(♂ & ♀), and Howell there, as well as Miss E's sister Mrs. Phipps, Miss E. had got up a nice lunch & we had a very pleasant time. Van Dyke was away, but I met Van Duzee and got a few vials from him. Wolf came in also - one of my students in '27 - and drove me down to P.A. at about 6.30. I had dinner with him & Forrest Shreve, of the Carnegie Lab in Ariz., and then Keck came down and talked over plans for the meeting. They want me to stop a day longer in order to take a little longer trip in the Sierras, and I expect it can be arranged all right. I have a fine room in the Hotel President at P.A. (at expense of Andy Carnegie, apparently). Slept very well last night, and woke up at 5.30 this morning. I stopped in the Chinese district in S.F. as we drove out, as I saw no likelihood of getting back again, and got a few little things. Love, SFB