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Stoughton, Mass. 
Sat. 6 Jan 1934

Dear Sid:

Things are just the same, Mrs. O. hasn't shown up and there seems to be no telling whether she will. But the weather is bad. Yesterday was all icy and wet, and today is foggy. My mother believes she can put no real reliance in her anyhow, -she is always complaining about this and that. One senses that neither Mrs. O. nor Ma is particularly well pleased with themselves.

Pa is still thriving. He slept quite continually last night tho rattled with his cough, so that both of us were aware of him a good part of the night. But he is blooming again this morning, -comparatively speaking, poor old bones. 

I simply don't know what to do. The expense of having a night nurse for him and probably a day housekeeper for my mother, as well as her hospital bill, is a nightmare to me, - $7 a day. He seems likely to live endlessly tho I can't see how he does it. 

This morning Ma made an apple pie & did the dishes and seems all tired out. She can't live alone, but she swears she won't live with Mrs. O. if anything happens to Pa. I don't know as she would go down to Alice's either, but that solution did present