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- I must brush my hair and teeth and wash my fingers this morning for I am going to school

mother declares she won't have Mrs. O. if "anything happens". I guess her patience is exhausted with not being mistress in her establishment. Mrs. O. provokes her by the extravagance with which she uses kindling & coal and soap & water, and such, and I have observed the first very well, but what can you do? Mrs. O. is as set as Ma, and her feelings delicate as a hothouse posy. I suppose I could get hold of Gladys or Lena, but doubt if the latter would suit and if the former would come. Of course the problem would not be so complicated if my mother were alone and others might be found who were glad of a shelter. Ma is not so much of an invalid now either. 

It is cold and chilly today. I hope you are warmer there and that the house has not frozen up too much. Take care of yourself. The baby is homesick & says a dozen times a day that she wants to go back to Washington. 
