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Tues. AM. 29 Dec. 1931.

Dear Sid:

Just a line this morning. Ma is going down town with me in a few minutes and I shall get out $1490 from the Stoughton Trust to put in P.O. savings for her. (The limit is $2500.) Then I am going over to Brockton to get $110 out of Brockton Savings if I can. She has about $115 there. Then I go to No Easton and get out $900. She has left about $500 in both No. Easton and Stoughton Trust. But I cannot do any better now than leave it there. I may not be able to draw all this as the 90 day thing is being clapped on a good many banks, particularly in Brockton.

I feel that you are right about drawing out of Coops. The Stoughton one is apparently sound now -- Ma says Talbot says so, but reports that he isn't so certain about the others. There has been some kind of a suggestion that hasn't yet taken effect for the banding together of these coops. to strengthen them, as some are known to be weak. I will try to find out more.

Yesterday afternoon I took the little clothes over to the Colcord's, and then stopped for 5 minutes at Ralph's. Maude was there alone, and I didn't do more than greet her and thank her for the presents.

I wish you would send my mother a check. She has only $10 left, and really ought to have more on hand. Bruce hasn't paid the last 2 months. I shall urge Ma to see him the first of Jan