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Sloughton Mass.
Mon.P.M. 27 apr.

Dear Sid:

I feel rather down cast tonight. Pa seemed so much better this morning, but tonight I suppose he is tired. He can't seem to get oriented as to time, and keeps asking what time it is. But he was quite stirred up when I said I thought I would go back Thursday or Friday, and said he must tell me something... the papers were in his safe and if he could show me the papers, and I would see for myself.. I would understand. He said we would both walk down tomorrow. I have managed to put him off about that, but he says he has got to show them to me while he has some sense left. I have a notion to ask Dr. Ewing if it would be all right to let Ralph drive him down. He is so disturbed... but I think he is really going to come along all right if he will only cease fretting. He seems upset whenever I speak anything about leaving, and what can I do? It would be dreadful to leave him in this state of mind.

I was in [[strikethrough]] Batch [[/strikethrough]] Cambridge all the forenoon working at the museum, and still have considerable that I can do there. Lena came in to see me for a few minutes, so I had telephoned her this morning, but I told her not to come out yet awhile. Lena with her gab would upset anyone, but she was genuinely concerned, and wanted to do anything she could.

Tues. A.M.

Pa's first thought in the morning is that I shall not