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     I had a long day's ride yesterday. The train was late too. But in the afternoon I slept a bit. Ralph & Maud met me in Boston. I was thankful they did, altho I think perhaps Ralph would have been at the bank, but he said there wasn't anything in especial to do there. He had trouble with the car all the way home - every little while it would slow up & a dreadful smell of burning would fill the place. So the car would have to cool off, & finally we would get along another mile. It turned out to be a too tight brake band on the rear wheel & we got lit loosened at Ponkapoag.  We didn't reach home till 9.  Pa had tried to wait up but finally gone to bed, but was not asleep when I arrived.  I just spoke to him & went to bed.  
     I counted 7 fish hawks sitting side of their nests (some of them huge contraptions) between New Haven and Providence.  Many of them were near Saybrook, Old Lyme and quite near New London in the marshy stretches near the ocean.  Nearer Providence, but not near any particular station I saw what I took to be a wood duck & his mate.  It was a rather wild spot, the water something like a slow creek down south, and the male duck I noted in particular had pale markings about the eye.  Don't you think it was that?  I saw the starlings coming into Providence in flocks and lighting on the city buildings the way they do in Washington.  It was 6.30 but darker there, and just about their roosting time.
     There is a robin building up on the front porch today and very busy at it in the rain. I suppose the mud is

Transcription Notes:
Ponkapoag, Mass.