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to see the fill for all this, but it is necessary.

Haven't heard from Mrs. B, but am expecting she may appear any time, darn it. 

Had a letter from Miss [[Sihieln?]] saying a box of stuff was on the way. She had the news that Miss Myers had gone to Idaho on a state job [[m seeds?]]: She wrote his sister that she wanted the whole family to come out there, it was such a fine country. Mrs McConnell- the woman who used to write for [[Bouing?]]- also retired.

Doris is going to see the Song of Bernadette tonight with Norman. She has stuck around home ever since you left, so I thought she might go. She is studying her chemistry hard now this last week. It is almost time for her to leave so I will send this off so you may get it on your birthday. 

Happy Birthday to you!

Got [[papers?]] from London forwarded, will bring them back for you to see.   


Transcription Notes:
Need to review names and certain words.