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Stoughton Mass
25 July 1945

Dear Sid:

  Everything going along OK. Mrs B. left Monday night. Quite muggy. Am going berrying this A.M. Doris wants the space.

Dark red sweater (slip on)

Dear Dad:
Hi there! The cat has had 2 baths now, and as Grandma says, "he looks very briaht." All he does is sleep and eat, but the cats across the street (3) come over to seranade [[serenade]] him almost every 3:A.M. Mrs. Barry, leaving Monday made a mysterious return Tue. afternoon "to get a hair net." Hmm. Maybe she doesn't trust us. I've been scything the grass around the old house. Yesterday I broke the old one & bought another blade at Swann's. I went to see Mabel once in the Mass General Hospital. She has infectuous [[infectious]] arthritus, they think. She seems pretty well. Have been playing bad mitton [[badminton]] with Norma Lainey, a married girl from the church. Dad, how many inches is it from the bottom to the armhole of my red-violet sweater? I must know. The sweater is in the bag in the top right hand draw of my dreser [[dresser]]. Love, Doris 

[[6 wavy stamped lines]]

Transcription Notes:
"briaht" - Doris is just spelling out the word with her Grandmother's accent. She makes her "r" look like an "n".