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met Bertha coming in from the front and we went upstairs together. She told me how it happened,- Maud went into the bathroom somewhere between 2 & 3 AM and fell. Lesha Gay's folks got her up and found she had had a shock. They got a doctor in the morning. Bertha wasn't certain whether Maud knows what happened - at least now. Apparently she has regained the use of her arms and B. said she could use her legs
alltho [[although]] as yet she hasn't even sat up. But it is her mental condition that is the most alarming. I said, "Her mother lived a long while - " "Ten Years" said Bertha, "and had a nurse all that time." I think B. is seeing Maud in that light. She apparently is handling all her affairs, goes there daily, sometimes twice a day, and is very sympathetic. She says Maud wets the bed, sometimes they change her 8 times a day. So you can see how it is.
I think tomorrow I will