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go to Cambridge and take Doris along. She called up 3 times the Brockton Enterprize [[Enterprise]] & learnt they had no need of a "copy girl," and was disappointed and asked, "What shall I do?" I think she would take any job that offered. But summer will be gone before she knows it, and I think she needs the rest & outdoors up here. She has a tremendous appetite and is putting on weight, I suspect. She is busy studying her French and has knit already a lot on her sweater. She is busy, and wants to be all the time.

Hope you aren't having it too hot & muggy. It is showery, cloudy weather here.


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Stoughton Mass
Tues. 16 July 1945

Dear Sid:

We have had a quiet day with Mrs B. in town on a pre-vacation shopping-movie-and lunch spree, (lobster salad for one). She waddled in at 7.00 P.M. very well satisfied with life, and prepared  to endure another 5 days without meat.

Doris has been off bicycling with one of the young people of the choir all the afternoon. I have mowed some more orchard grass, and been over to call on Maud for a few minutes. As I was approaching from the back, I 

Transcription Notes:
shall is underlined