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The old cat was all right, behaving perfectly all the way. He spent the night down cellar, as Doris didn't want him to get fleas around & at daybreak I heard his deep yowls. But he had breakfast (5 saucerfuls of milk) and has been roaming about outdoors. The catbird has squawked constantly, but her young are bigger than she is & fly perfectly, (I saw 2 of them after her) so I think we will be safe to let out. Doris got him a lb of whiting. It is cool up here. I have planted some lettuce already.

I hope you are living well and not too tired.

Mabel Colcord III is in the Mass. Gen. Hosp. with rheumatic fever, quite ill. Her aunt left yesterday for Wash D.C. Call her up sometime & ask how she feels. 


Friday 13 July '35.

Dear Sid: 

We got in last night only 15 min. late after a long day's ride, and were home by 9 o'clock from Mattapan bus. When we reached the square I couldn't see a sign of a taxi but a man of whom I inquired recognized me and said he was Pa's successor on the assessors board and would take me home, Walter Pratt. So he carted us up the hill in his car. Ma had just gone up so we went up to see her.

This morning Doris went down and got her bike and the family groceries. The railroad express packages and the parcel post ones and the insects mailed by the museum have all arrived
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