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                           Stoughton, Mass
                             6 Aug 1944
Dear Sid:
     This is the last letter that I will write, as you will be starting up Thursday night, and I doubt it any mailed later would reach you. Next Sunday you will be here with us. As Ma often writes Sunday is a lonesome day, and I wonder a lot what you are doing.
 We had 2 terribly hot days, yesterday was 99 degrees, and it seemed as much as we could stand. It was so hot at night that even on the porch, I didn’t get to sleep till around midnight. Doris and Mabel were at the Brockton pond all the afternoon, Mabel's mother taking them over. I pedaled down to York pond and sat like a green frog with my legs in the water for a long  while. That was most comfortable. The long plod up the hill home was painful, though. 
  Today there is an East wind blowing, not very strong but enough to make it comfortable. I have felt exhausted all day, and I notice Ma has done nothing but nap too. I had a nap after lunch to and am now listening to my concert.      Doris has been to church and now has gone over to the Steele’s.             Lena didn’t appear as she wrote she would last night and I think the weather must have used her up too. I had gotten lamb chops, but we ate all but