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Stoughton Mass.
30 July 1944.

Dear Sid: It is Sunday morning and Doris has gone off to church with Mabel, and I have the dinner on cooking. It is a bit cooler after very sultry days. Yesterday I went after berries and got 2 qts (huckleberries) and nearly lost myself in a tangle. I really got all turned around and was going the wrong way until I watched which way the clouds were moving and followed the right direction out. I was wet thru with perspiration when I got out and pretty well scratched.   Doris was at the movies all afternoon. She wanted to go over again to see Mabel after supper but I put my foot down firmly. She had gone over the night or so previous and instead of doing Latin as was supposed, Mabel had dragged her off to a bowling alley, which was closed, then to the movies, but Doris when it got to be 9 was conscience stricken and came home having paid 40ยข for 1/2 hour's picture. I pitied her inwardly but didn't let on. But this night business gets me cross, and I made it clear to Doris that she wasn't going out any more after supper, simply because I didn't want her with Mabel at night. Doris said, "But I wouldn't do anything bad. You are unreasonable. I shall go." But she didn't She stamped her foot and acted very rebellious, and I was near giving away, but didn't. How would you have acted? I do wish there were some other girl for her to go about with, who had a better influence. I am going to take her down to Revere Beach if it is