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plenty of other things.  But Banks said, "You are here it may be years before he gets back and maybe he will be shot anyhow" -- cheerful prospect. In other words, Banks wants me to do them.  Tom Barbour came in while I was there and gently shook hands.  I met Hubbard outside, he looked better than I have seen him for a long while.  He said he felt a lot better, only trouble was that spinal injection they gave him instead of ether, which partly paralyzed him, and he still couldn't taste or smell and was deaf too. He has one son, a flier in Europe, and I guess is quite anxious over him.

  I stayed till nearly 2, then stopped off in Boston and got a new hat at a clearance sale for $1 and a handbag also for $1 + 20c war Tax.  Both were exceptional bargains in these days. I can wear the hat all winter.

   Doris + Mabel are at their badminton again.  They enjoy that game greatly and play every night till dark. Doris has been scrubbing the house- she got the bathroom floor all ready for a coat of shellac today.

   It is warming up today. We had a gentle rain all night and the foliage is revived.

  The cat disappeared all the afternoon and Doris said my mother was out hunting him Finally they heard him descending from the porch [[insert]] top [[/insert]] -- the first time he has been up on the roof this summer. Doris had to help him get down.  Tomatoes up here are 20c a lb. We will be glad if you can bring up some of ours when you come. My mother is so proud of her poor little plants with their tiny sets. But I guess they will get ripe before frost comes.