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Stoughton Mass.
Friday 20 Aug 1943

Dear Sid:

I hope you have received your ration book by now and not been too much put out by its lack. Weren't you tired out when you got there? We were so tired last night that we nearly slept the clock around and didn't hear a fire alarm in the middle of the night at all.

Yesterday afternoon we pedalled up to Avon and picked berries all the afternoon, and this forenoon I put up 9 qts. of them, so I now have filled all the dozen jars and shall send them back to Virginia later. I shall have to buy more jars for the pears.

I saw Frank Atherton and told him that he was welcome to the grass over at the old place next year if he wanted it. I don't know whether he will or not but at least I attempted to get it cut. The Kendo boy can't come this week. 

Well, I am going to bed early tonight. These days are strenuous for me,- housework all the forenoon, pedalling a byke and going swimming all the afternoon.

I hope you will get your trip out to Minnesota.
