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Stoughton, Mass.
28 July 1943.

Dear Sid:

We got your ration stamps safely. I may not be able to use them all but I shall do my best. Butter isn't obtainable except in a small delicatessen here. I hope you didn't rob yourself, did you?

Doris and I have been busy trimming up the trees, the maples that overhang our side of the drive. I can't do all, but we have sawed away a lot of the low hanging boughs. This afternoon Doris has been trying to get rid of the horse briar in back. She has done a good job. She has really been working outdoors and about quite steadily and hard. It is good for her. 

Ma and I have been working on a dress that I brought up to make. We have it all cut out and basted. Next it will have to be stitched. Ma enjoys sewing if someone is about to tell her what to do as